Wednesday, August 8, 2007

not a girl, not yet a woman...but definitely not a man

Well it happened again. I was confused for a man. I walked over to Christian and Sue's to say hello and they were outside talking to one of their friends who had just dropped Mariela off. The man looks and me then looks at Christian and says, "Is this a daughter or a son?" To that, I just raised my eyebrows and didn't say anything. I don't think Christian heard the "or a son" part and answered that I was a cousin. Sue heard and rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath. Stupid man. He had to deal with me throwing daggers with my eyes for the rest of the conversation.

I went on a bike ride yesterday. My chain fell off my bike in the middle of no where. So I had to sit there and fix it as all these cars zoomed by. And right when I broke down a little rain cloud came and rained on me. Then when I got it fixed, the rain went away. I think it was a representative metaphor for my mood. When I finally got going again dogs started chasing me - uphill. Then once I shook the dogs a huge wind storm came that was blowing all my facial features to the side and trying to push my bike into traffic. Interesting ride. I think I'll go on another one today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an idiot. I hope he realizes he just got kicked out of your already small conversation pool.

Your cycling story sounds like my story every time I go up Signal Mountain. Sunny until about halfway up.... makes me wonder why I love it so much

Your blog is great! Keep it going!
