Friday, August 24, 2007

cupa joe...

I spent this morning on a coffee kick. After three cups of coffee I was totally worthless. I kept on bumping into things, not being able to hold anything still, dropping things. I tried to eat a lot to soak up some of the coffee in my body. It didn't help. So then I went to go do ceramics. Not the best decision, but I think the coffee was affecting my decision making abilities.

I had to glaze all the pots that I made. This was a process. With over 60 combinations of glazes to choose from, the scene played out as such - crazy shaky girl, splashing glazes all over the floor, murmuring to herself and standing and staring at one spot on the floor while trying to remember the exact combination of glazes that she just did to recreate it again with another bowl.

I'm in the library now on the home stretch of grant writing - I hope. I just tried to hold in a sneeze. It ended up making a really weird loud noise that didn't sound like a sneeze at all. I think I scared the girl next to me.

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