Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bears don't care...

This could be the prettiest day ever. It's fall, all the trees are a bright yellow. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing. I love it. I went on a run this morning to see my cows. As I was running down the road a car pulled up next to me and the man informed me that there was a bear down the road. I thanked him and abruptly turned around. So I actually had to vary my running route. But on this route I saved a snake - got him out of the middle of the road, and saw a Great-horned owl sleeping in a tree. He was beautiful. So beautiful I had to turn off Dr. Dre and just enjoy the sleeping owl.

Oh and I got to hold a baby and play with the cutest two year old. - not on the run. That was before the run.

I also left a successful message, which rarely happens. Also not on the run. After the run.

I did laundry today and when I was hanging it on the line, it disturbed me. All my clothes are the same. I hung a navy blue tank top, navy blue short sleeved shirt, navy blue long sleeved shirt, a black long sleeved shirt, a black tank top, gray shirt.... it's sad. I think I need to vary my wardrobe.


Anonymous said...

What if we're out of air, there is a fair or their meat is rare, would they care then?

Sweet Crafty Lady said...

Next time you hang your laundry you must sing "In the Navy!"

Also, re: your spit from a previous post--are you hydrated enough when you run? I think spit is stickier when you are dehydrated.