Monday, October 29, 2007


I went climbing Saturday. Will and I camped near Lake Tahoe in a climbing mecca called Lover's Leap. It was a beautiful fall day with a beautiful granite wall waiting for us to tackle it. Which Will did. I on the other hand did not so much tackle it as struggled up the little fucker, but with high spirits I might add. It actually was very nice crack climbing - I had a couple good hand jams (yes I know the lingo), and there were nice dikes in the rock to get good hand and feet holds. But I would say it all went down hill when a roof in the rock required a move I was not prepared to do - and all the good holds were gone. What the situation ended up being was me, hand jamming for dear life, legs doing the sewing machine - which was really helping the situation, for a good 20 minutes, and saying every swear word known. I fell a good 3 or 4 times only to be pried from the rock, swinging away from the safety of having something to hold on to, dangling in mid-air who knows how many feet above the ground. Will, like a good boyfriend, then hoisted me up a couple feet with the rope, so I could make the necessary move. Once I was safely over the roof, a round of cheers exploded from below, as my audience of expert climbers who had been watching the whole time rejoiced in my having made it. Will sent out a yipee back to them. I did not. I'm glad I couldn't say anything at the moment because if I had been forced to acknowledge them, it would have been the words that had been coming out of my mouth for the last 20 minutes. I don't think they would have appreciated being sworn at. But after a few more moves, including some face gripping, and a couple more "Mother of's..." I was at the top. thankyouverymuch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't cool how the scariest situations make for great stories! It sounds like you're going to be very good very quick if you keep doing climbs like that. Definitely worth the scrunched toes