Friday, July 27, 2007

the life of a 5 year old

It's 9:15. 45 minutes 'til bedtime and I can't wait. Yesterday people were in my room, which also functions as the living room, at 10:30 and I got mad. Well, not mad, but annoyed that they didn't respect my bedtime. I even contemplated getting in my jammies and lying down on the futon that is spread out in the middle of the floor. But then I figured that it would be weird. So I just became mute and stared at my bed.

Mariela, my cousin -she's 5, calls me Jessica because she can't remember my name. Christian calls me Christina because he met my sister before me. Sue calls me Jessica because she thinks it's funny.

My friend Whitney (she's 4) asked me the other day what I was going to be for Halloween. I started to think really hard about it. I totally zoned out of our conversation and was trying to think of a really good ironic costume that I can never seem to create at Halloween. Then I realized that she was waiting for an answer. So I said vampire. She said that she was going to be a witch.

I wonder how long it is going to take Brigid to move the box out of the room in her house so I can move in? So far it's two weeks and counting. Do you think she's trying to make a statement. No, it's probably just a really awkward box to carry.

I spent a lot of the day peeling the sunburn off my arms. It's really entertaining - kinda addicting. I can't stop.

15 more minutes until bed. I have to go get ready...


Christina said...

Dear Laura,
I think it's totally awesome that you have a blog. Reading it might be my new addiction, alongside york peppermint patties and pandas.
I remember when you were fwive. You were Ramona for Halloween.


Christina said...

Dear Laura,
I think you should blog about office supplies.


I was Freida for halloween once. Not Freida Kahlo. I was Freida the clown. I miss you!

Leslie said...

yesyes, peeling sunburnt skin = highly addicting. last week was mostly spent peeling skin off of my legs. this is because you were not in greensboro, and so i had nothing better to do. how about halloween in san francisco on castro street? i hear its a good time.